Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm Chinese! ...wait, no, I'm not

Just when I think I'm Chinese, I realize I don't quite make the cut.

Just the other day, I told my roommate that I had adopted the Chinese custom of washing my feet before I go to bed. And not just before I go to bed, but basically every time I step into the house. My feet get so dirty from walking around, and as soon as I step inside, I take my shoes off. The last thing I want to do is trek dirt around on the floor, so I promptly head to the shower and rinse my soles off. I've gotten to the point where I don't quite feel right or complete without clean feet. It's such a refreshing feeling. Certainly, this foot washing thing is Chinese, right? I mean, I've seen it in movies, and my ai-yi (or Chinese aunt who lives next door) tells me to wash my feet at night. So now that I do, that must mean I'm Chinese.

However, when I told my roommate in satisfaction of my new conformity, she replied that people who wash their feet are usually the people who don't take showers. Something to do with Chinese medicine -- the foot is connected to every part of your body, like, your big toe is connected to your shoulder maybe and the arch is connected to your digestive system. If your feet are good and clean, then the rest of you is too. Furthermore, it's only Northern Chinese who really actually wash their feet before bed.

Doh! Well, that stopped my feeling especially culturally aware and open. I guess I'm still just not quite there yet. And maybe I don't want to be. I'd rather keep my showers. I'll keep the foot washing for good measure anyway, though.

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